Gluten Free Malt Extract Powder (GFP)
Malt Based Food (MBF)
Product Details
Malt Based Food, made from malted grains like barley, millets and wheat, offer a rich source of essential nutrients. Known for its energy-boosting properties, it provides slow-releasing carbohydrates, ensuring sustained energy throughout the day. These foods are naturally sweet, reducing the need for added sugars, and are packed with antioxidants that promote overall health.
Malt-based products, including beverages, snacks, and cereals, cater to all age groups, delivering both taste and nutrition. Incorporating these into your diet support active living and well-being. We offer a variety of malt based food options for a flavourful and nutrient-rich addition to your daily routine.
Sweet and a characteristic malty & milky flavour
Malt Extract, Milk Solids and other minor ingredients