What is Malt Based Food?
Malt-based foods are products made by formulating liquid malt extract along with other ingredients such as cocoa, milk powder, sugar, vitamins, and minerals, to name a few, and taking it through a drying and milling process to get a powdered product.
This involves several key steps:
Formulation and Mixing
Dry Blending
Sieving and Packing
In effect, even before the malting process begins, the deciding factor in the creation of good malt is the selection of the right barley. In order to receive optimum results, each lot of grain is carefully tested against the most stringent quality parameters before being selected for procurement. These parameters include the moisture content, Thousand Corn Weight (TCW), foreign matter content and germination capacity. Once each lot has passed the test, the grain is packed in bags, weighed, and sent to the warehouse or factory.
Each incoming lot is then further checked at multiple stages to ensure compliance to the quality specifications and is only unloaded at the factory after meeting each one of them.
Formulation and Mixing
All ingredients are weighed and, depending on their nature, are mixed together in a high-shear mixer to get a uniform slurry. This slurry is further pasteurized and cooled before being sent on to the Vaccum Band Dryer (VBD).

The slurry is passed on the numerous belts of the VBD under a controlled vacuum to form a uniform cake-like substance without losing the nutritional values of the product. The Cake is then collected and passed through several hoppers into the milling section.
During this step, the cake is collected and transported through several conveyors into mills of various sieve sizes as per customer requirements. In this process, several inline magnets remove any magnetic impurities before the material goes on for blending.

Dry Blending
The milled powder of various batches is collected together inside the ribbon blender wherein other minor ingredients can also be added in powdered form. This allows all the material of a single or several batches to be uniformly mixed together to give a consistent product.
Sieving and Packing
During this process, the powder is sieved through a Vibro-sifter and metal detector to take care of any remaining physical and metallic impurities before finally being filled in either drums or bags as per customer requirements.
In case any customer requires retail packing, we have the facilities to do so in sachets, jars, bags or box formats.